Prompt Categories

<a href="" class="display-category">Nagindra</a>


The Navask are consider as closed species for illutheria ,  with restriction region lock! Players who owns a navask  can choose to start their journey in Nagindra Region or play as fresh regular Hyuman.




Starting as Navask as your character need to follow these specifics rules before they can go ventur out the world of illutheria.

region lock

The navask species are commonly born in the Nagindra Region. You as a new player for this resident species need to start off in Nagindra. Navask player are only allow to roam only inside the region and cannot access to outside activites prompts. 

The Nagindra region are strictly for the navask resident species to strive among the dangerous flora and fauna in the land. Tribes also apart of you challabges to overcome the hardship as a lone navask.

Navask are bound to the tribe as such The Law of Kinsmen equality

Follow the steps to go through your freedom outside the Nagindra:-

  • The rite of brotherhood
  • Tribes passage
  • Challanges 
  • Passpord 
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