Axolotl Ears (Chama) (◆ Rare)
Category: Ears (Residents)
Species: Chama
Can have two or three branch
Puffy Ears (Haiwari) (◆ Rare)
Category: Ears (Residents)
Species: Haiwari
Ears that has an extra amount of fluff on the inside giving it an earmuff apperance.
Bunny Ears (Maskcatz) (☼ Seasonal)
Category: Ears (Residents)
Species: Mascaran
Bunny ears do not flop down but instead straight upward. To apply flop use long flop ears
Chrio Ears (Haiwari) (⬟ Mythical)
Category: Ears (Residents)
Species: Haiwari
Big, dish like ears that are akin to a bat.
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