
Orc Teeth (Snapadile)

Orc Teeth (Snapadile) (⬟ Mythical)

Species: Snapadile

Large fangs that can affect both the lower and/or upper teeth. These fangs protrude outwards from a Snapadile's maw, giving it a menacing look.

Spurs (Snapadile)

Spurs (Snapadile) (⬟ Mythical)

Species: Snapadile

Spurs can be located on the elbows, legs and ankles. These are used both for defensive and offensive actions.

Talons (Snapadile)

Talons (Snapadile) (★ Legendary)

Species: Snapadile

Raptor like talons that can be found protruding from the feet. Found on the most vicious of predators.

Spines (Snapadile)

Spines (Snapadile) (▲ Uncommon)

Species: Snapadile

A single row of spines that can be found trailing from the head to the tail. Can be any amount, shape must follow their horns or common horn traits, as long it's a singular row.

Double Spines

Double Spines (⬟ Mythical)

Species: Snapadile

Double spines that can be found trailing from the top of the head to the tail. Can be any amount and shape must follow their horns or common horn traits.

Fangs (Papillix)

Fangs (Papillix) (● Common)

Species: Papillix
"Lil' ankle biters, aren't they?"

Small protruding fangs. Featured is the maximum amount fangs can be shown. All Papillix can have visible or hidden fangs.

Saber Teeth (Papillix)

Saber Teeth (Papillix) (⬟ Mythical)

Species: Papillix

Long tusk like teeth that can be pointed downwards like a sabertooth cat, or upwards like a boar.


Claws (Papillix)

Claws (Papillix) (★ Legendary)

Species: Papillix

Sharp, long claws can be seen on a Papillix. These claws can function the same way feline can, able to retract and expose.

Saber Teeth (Axehead)

Saber Teeth (Axehead) (⬟ Mythical)

Species: Axehead
"Not something you see everyday on an Axehead. Could it be a leader of a herd?"

Saber-like tusks that can be seen protruding out the mouth. It can be pointing downwards all the way to the chin, or upwards like a boar's tusk.

Obtained from: Mythical Trait Potion
Raptor Talons (Smokwyrm)

Raptor Talons (Smokwyrm) (⬟ Mythical)

Species: Smokwyrm

Has raptor like claws at the feet.

Feather Joints (Smokwyrm)

Feather Joints (Smokwyrm) (▲ Uncommon)

Species: Smokwyrm

Feathered crests that can be found on the elbows or wrists. It can be found on any Texture of a Smokwyrm.

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