
Hair (bijokin)

Hair (bijokin) (⬟ Mythical)

Species: Bijokin

The hair can be in any style and also will cover the gem if small enough 

Spirited Spine (BoneKeeper)

Spirited Spine (BoneKeeper) (⬟ Mythical)

Species: BoneKeeper

Along the back area flows with the magic essences

Extra Wings (Papillix) (⬟ Mythical)

Species: Papillix

An extra pair of wings of similar shape appears on the body of a Papillix.

Shaped Neck (Bijokin)

Shaped Neck (Bijokin) (⬟ Mythical)

Species: Bijokin

The neck sack can be any shaped you desire!

Glossy Sheen

Glossy Sheen (⬟ Mythical)

Category: Universal Traits
"Pampering is the ultimate form of self-care."

Allows the species texture have a subtle sheen of gloss. Giving them a pampered and lustrous look.

Obtained from: Mythical Trait Potion
Metalic Burnish

Metalic Burnish (⬟ Mythical)

Category: Universal Traits
"I wonder if it could be worth its weight in gold."

This trait allows a design to have a marking or a hard bodily feature, such as horns, nails, or teeth, polished to a shine. The polished surface can resemble reflective metals like gold/silver, have an iridescent appearance, or even mimic holographic material.

This trait does not affect the Soul Color of the species.

Obtained from: Mythical Trait Potion

Glimmer (⬟ Mythical)

Category: Universal Traits
"Glimmer, like hope, is a tiny spark that can ignite a world of wonder."

The species markings gives a glittering and sparkling effect.

Sparkles do not fall off from them.

Obtained from: Mythical Trait Potion

Enhanced Modifier (⬟ Mythical)

Category: Universal Traits

This is used to make certain traits longer or shorter, such as:

  • Tails becoming longer than the entire body's length.
  • Ears that are a quater smaller than the original.
  • Wings becoming smaller, or larger than average.
  • Small sections such as the Wing's tassle becoming longer than average.
  • Horns shrinking and becoming smaller.
    • It should not conflict with other traits or affect the horn's trait rarity.
    • If it is a Legendary trait, it can be shrunk to mimic a common trait with all of the Legendary trait flair.
      • Eg: Greater Uni Horn size >>> Mini Uni Horn size

They do not affect:

  • Body length; making the body extra long.
  • Overall body size; making the design's size gigantic or miniscule.
  • Limbs; legs, hands, arms
  • Head, neck, etc.

Refer to Maximize for further details.

Spines (⬟ Mythical)

Category: Universal Traits

Spiked spines that can be seen trailing from the top of the head all the way. If the species has horns it may use the appropriate common rarity, unless upgraded.

For multiple spines, view Spikes.

Multiple Tails

Multiple Tails (⬟ Mythical)

Category: Universal Traits
"An unusual phenomenon occurred where the tail is entirely split into three separate parts. Some speculate that it may have been struck by ethereal lightning charged by aether." 

Applicable to any species.

Up to 3 individual tails can be displayed. It should be common tails for the applicable species, and for higher rarity requires additional traits.


Teeth and Fangs (Universal) (⬟ Mythical)

Category: Universal Traits

Fangs, and tusks of the sort that extend beyond the lips and mouth of the species, and additionally this trait can add teeth to species that naturally do not have any teeth.

For species that naturally do not have any teeth, and wants to upgrade to tusks have to use this trait twice.

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